Can. Ch. Jetstream Sierra Mist
Born: November 8, 2013
Sire: Am. G. Ch. / Can. Ch. Snow Hill Mindbender FC
Dam: Can/Am G.Ch. Jetstream Forgetmenot Tigerpaw
Brooke is a beautiful girl who has had some exemplary wins in the show ring, including a huge 5-point Best of Winners award, under Whippet Breeder and Specialist Judge Jacqueline Quiros Kubat (Dragonfly Whippets, Argentina), as well as another incredible 5-point Best of Winners major under breeder-judge Gail Boyd, at the American Whippet Club Eastern Specialty in March, 2016. Along with her littermate brother, Mitchell, she competed in and won several "Brace" competitions. In November of 2018, she had her first and only litter, producing some very lovely pups. Her daughter Rhli is our next generation show girl, who is a replica of her beautiful mother. Brooke is now retired and living in Nova Scotia, Canada.

Photo Gallery
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We were honoured to have the talented Katie Rudolph available to do photographs in San Diego.

Thanks to Katie Rudolph for her extraordinary photographic talent!

Brooke already showing her beautiful side gait.

Brooke is shown winning 5-points towards her Canadian Ch. under Whippet specialist judge, Jacqueline Quiros Kubat

Brooke finished her Canadian Championship easily. Here, Judge James Fredericksen awards her final points.

A very proud day for us! At Brooke's 1st U.S. show, she is awarded a huge 5-point major Best of Winners under breeder-judge Gail Boyd!

Brooke and littermate Mitchell have won several "Best Brace" competitions.